J&F’s Compliance Director, Lucio Martins participates in the live broadcast of the newspaper O Globo

Lucio Martins during an event of the newspaper O Globo

The Compliance Director of the J&F group, Lucio Batista Martins, participated this Tuesday (27) in a live broadcast of the newspaper O Globo on “Governance in the private and public sector: lessons and challenges”.

During the event, Martins stated that those responsible for compliance must help the business to be efficient and upright in decision-making. “In the same way, we must help processes to be agile and ensure governance. A compliance program that results in bureaucracy and inefficiency is distorted from its purpose,” he said.

The event was also attended by Fabio Galindo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aegea; Olga Pontes, Chief Compliance Officer at Novonor; Roberto Livianu, president of the Institute I Don’t Accept Corruption; and Ricardo Coutinho de Rezende, partner and Compliance Officer at LBCA. The chat was mediated by journalist Ricardo Andrade, director of O Globo’s branch in São Paulo.

To watch the live in full, click here.

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