Âmbar Energia inaugurates its first Photovoltaic Plant (UFV)


Âmbar Energia, the energy solutions company of the J&F Group, inaugurated this Thursday (7/14) the UFV Âmbar Saltinho. The project is part of the company’s strategy to invest R$ 6.5 billion in solar power generation by 2025.

The company, which in 2021 kicked off an investment plan of around R$ 23 million in the area of renewable energy, will supply the demand of several large customers, such as Swift and Seara’s integrated producers, both belonging to JBS. In total, the four plants add up to a power of 5,174 kWp and the system will avoid the emission of 12,193 tons of CO₂ into the atmosphere, the same as planting 4,000 new trees per month.

“This plant is a big step that we are taking towards becoming one of the largest companies in the generation of solar energy in the country,” says Marcelo Zanatta, president of Âmbar Energia.

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